Carbon is the unit of measure used by environmental scientists of the world to equate each of the Green House Gasses to a common denominator, allowing a multinational manufacturing corp., to be compared to any farm, to be compared to any office, tower or not, compared to any energy sector corp., compared to any family home. The numbers will vary greatly, but the unit of measure is the same (carbon) for all. (carbon deficits)
All forms of work/effort expel carbon or Green House Gasses:
- An engine burning fossil expels carbon dioxide and carbon
- Heating, cooling, altering processes all produce carbon/carbon dioxide
- Almost every process, produces pollution/Green House Gasses
- Electricity although it is clean when consumed, is created with pollution/GHG in its it process
- Man and all animals consume oxygen and expel carbon dioxide to live
On the other hand, almost all living plants consume carbon dioxide and expel oxygen to live.
Our world’s veracious appetite for wood means as a global community we consume 750,000,000 more trees a year than the millions we do plant, reducing the oxygen expelled and the carbon dioxide/carbon consumed.
Carbon is in most of the common things we see each day, in the wood and leaves of the trees, in the grass beneath our feet, in the crops we grow, in buildings, roads, all metal, and the air we breathe.
Diamonds are pure compressed carbon.
To understand everything about Carbon would take years. We have touched on the points of relevance to our projects and the trees involved.